The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia has recently adopted The Law on Amendments to the Law on Procedure of Registration in the Real estate Cadastre and Utility Cadastre (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia No. 15/2020).
The reasons for these amendments primarily relate to further development of the e-Cadastre in order to speed up the registration in the Cadastre and delivering of resolutions from the Cadastre on one hand and making public the registered data via official internet site of the Republic Geodetic Authority on the other.
As of the date of these amendments entering into force all of the resolutions of the Cadastre will be publicly announced via official internet site so that any third party with legal interest may become aware of the status of the real estate and the resolution will also be delivered to the parties as an e-document.
This public declaration is very important since the deadlines for appeal are starting as of the date of making public the resolution of the Cadastre on their web site.
In order to apply these amendments the Cadastre needs to form and maintain fully functional Public Noticeboard on their web site on which all public announcements and resolution are to be declared.
The Law on Amendments to the Law on Procedure of Registration in the Real estate Cadastre and Utility Cadastre (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia No. 15/2020) will enter into force on March 3rd 2020, except of the provisions of the Articles 5, 6 and 7 which will enter into force on March 31st 2020.